Brought to you by the Friends of the North Coast's Natural History Museum
The Friends of the North Coast's Natural History Museum is a devoted group of volunteers and community members who have come together to fundraise, organize and develop plans to keep the museum open.

Although we recently received word that HSU did not accept our proposal we are not giving up! We have already raised over $74,000 in pledges -- a considerable amount considering the short time line and we plan to raise more!

If you have been thinking about pledging then pledge now! As we get word out about our continued efforts and continue to communicate this to HSU we want them to see just how dedicated this community is to the museum.

- If you are interested in pledging money to keep the museum open please visit . -

Friday, August 28, 2009

Today We Turned in our Proposal to Keep the Museum Open

But this doesn't mean that we have stopped or won't continue with our efforts to raise funds for the museum!

While we do need to wait to hear back from HSU about our proposal we also need to keep the momentum going.

Our Fundraising Effort does NOT end tomorrow -- we are still going to be getting the word out, going to events, and planning events for the future. You can still pledge on our website. You can still volunteer to help with our efforts. We will still be updating the blog.

For our group things are just beginning. How those things progress exactly is what we are waiting to discuss with HSU, but we know that support from the community will be necessary to continue our efforts. So stay with us on the blog, sign up for email updates over there to your right and keep up your efforts.

And we will keep you posted about any and all decisions made about the museum's future.


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