Brought to you by the Friends of the North Coast's Natural History Museum
The Friends of the North Coast's Natural History Museum is a devoted group of volunteers and community members who have come together to fundraise, organize and develop plans to keep the museum open.

Although we recently received word that HSU did not accept our proposal we are not giving up! We have already raised over $74,000 in pledges -- a considerable amount considering the short time line and we plan to raise more!

If you have been thinking about pledging then pledge now! As we get word out about our continued efforts and continue to communicate this to HSU we want them to see just how dedicated this community is to the museum.

- If you are interested in pledging money to keep the museum open please visit . -

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Blog Message: From the Editor/ Marketing Coordinator

There is this game I used to see sometimes at the fair when I was little. In it a large bowling ball was at the end of a track and the point of the game was to get the ball rolling just enough so that it would roll down the track, but only as far as it needed to go - not too far - not too close.

When working on a completely volunteer grassroots effort to save an organization things can sometimes feel that way --the hardest part is getting the ball rolling just enough.--

You don't want to tire out volunteers with an overwhelming list of things that need to be done, but you don't want people to get complacent and think you have more time than you do. You need to roll them out just right.

The Friends of the North Coast's Natural History Museum is rolling. After informational meetings and planning meetings we are finally at the meat of the meetings, the part where we start making our lists of things to do and passing out the tasks to volunteers. We're working after hours, late at night and early in the morning. We're emailing and Facebooking and finding all the little ways we can help (we are, as mentioned in a publication today, also on the look out for SpongeBob, if you know him, send him our way!).

The best part about a community effort is the community part. The part where a group of people who probably didn't know each other before come together and more quickly than they expect --become like old friends.--

Much of this movement isn't about the building and what's in it. It's about what people bring to it. The Staff who is dedicated and excited about the future. The Board who is strong and ready to work. The Committee who is energetic and excited. All those who have already pledged from 1$ to $5000. And the Community -- which is building day by day.

Reading much of the press out there many of the writers use words like "daunting" and "hurdle" to describe what this group is up against.

But after watching everyone come together and ready themselves for the task one can only think -- Bring It On --

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